1st Day of School: Thursday, August 1st!

Academy of Tucson Schools

Provide • Prepare • Graduate

Parent Newsletters

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
On behalf of the Academy of Tucson Middle School Parent Advisory Council, it is our pleasure to welcome you to our wonderful community! We are looking forward to a great year filled with fantastic events, community building activities and, most importantly supporting our kids and teachers so they can continue to attain excellence in education!
A great way to make this the best year for your family and our community is to join PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)! This is your chance to be a member of a great organization that supports and funds many of the opportunities you see around campus. Your support enhances your child’s(ren’s) experiences at our school and we want to hear from you! When you join PAC you are not obligated to attend all meetings nor volunteer; you can participate as much or as little as you would like or are able, finding a perfect balance that is right for you.
Another way to make it the best school year ever is to volunteer! It has been proven that a child whose parent(s) is involved in his/her education and school experience is a more successful student. By getting involved at home and school, children do better - grades are higher, test scores rise, self-esteem grows and schools improve. By joining and volunteering in PAC there is no better way to get connected.
Know what’s happening at Academy of Tucson, meet other parents and teachers, and build rapport, plus share ideas, concerns and experiences. By volunteering you put your skills, hobbies, and interest to work!
It has been said that the number one reason people don’t join PAC is because no one asked…..we are asking! And asking you to ask your friends! Join us (it’s free) and help us make this the best year yet!
We are a diverse group of parents, teachers and community members excited about the future of kids at Academy of Tucson. Join us and help make a difference in hundreds of lives—including the ones closest to your heart.
PAC provides an excellent opportunity for parents to meet one another, get comfortable with the school and its staff, and support each other’s common goals. Plus, we have a lot of fun in the process!
AOT needs your unique talents, whether it’s volunteering a few hours
a month or a few hours a year, serving on the Board, attending meetings, fundraising or helping with school events.
We are planning our first PAC meeting for the week of August 15th. Exact date and time will be announced soon. Join today by filling out the information below and returning it to the front office or email the information to Ms. Robinson [email protected]
Join Today!
Adult Name(s):____________________________    ____________________________
Relationship to Student: __________________________________________________
Student(s) Name & Grade: ________________________________________________
Adult Email: ___________________________ Adult Phone: _____________________
Adult Address: _________________________________________________________
Please check ALL that apply:
_____ I am interested in joining PAC
_____ I am interested in serving on the PAC board
_____ I am interested in volunteering at AOT events
_____ I am interested in volunteering for after school clubs
_____ I am interested in coaching an AOT sport (list sport(s)______________________

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